Thursday, December 10, 2009

ROBERT : I have been away some . . . .

I have been away some, but I have been listening even so, to you and to others. I was away on the road for a bit, and then away because I have not been as well as I would like. Then away for a rest in the sun.
So I was away when your note came, the one you sent to me at the beginning of this Advent that is upon us. It was the note that reminded me that it was time once again to begin our annual wait for the coming of the Messiah. I was away when the note came, but I heard you.
I began to hear something else as well, in the listening, in the time away. So I wrote it down.

We wait in the dark and the silence of this season

We wait because
it is what those who came before us taught us to do
It is what those who stand beside us do
and we do not want to be left alone or left out

We wait because were taught this Story
by those who loved us well
Our love for them requires that we wait alongside them
even those we love yet no longer see
And we wait because of those who are now given to us to love
The love we were given and are now to give
calls us to keep this vigil

We wait because we believe the Promise will be kept again
That is the part of us that is the most childlike and the most real
We wait in the hope that the Love that we seek may yet be found

We wait because sometimes waiting is all one can do
in the midst of the noise and the clamor of our lives
In the silence and the darkness that is bound to come to us all
even if it is unbidden or unnamed or unacknowledged

God is with us as we watch
for the One Who is to come among us
God is with us in the silence
as we listen for the Hosannas to ring out
God is with us in the dark
while we hope for the Light of the world
God is with us always in our waiting

So we wait in the dark and the silence of this season
The wait will be over soon


Brenda said...

Welcome back. You've been missed. And many thanks for the powerful Advent meditation.

Anonymous said...

It's good to read your words again, and it's good to watch and wait in wonder with you. I am wishing you very well, my friend, body and soul. Namaste!


John said...

Its good to see you back...yes, the waiting is here...

GailNHB said...

Welcome back, Robert. I am sorry to hear that all has not been well, but glad to hear that things are getting better, that you are feeling better.

It is both challenging and energizing to wait again for Christ to be born anew in us and in our world. The great mystery of God with us and God coming again - it keeps me pondering and wondering.

Peace to you, dear friend.

Anonymous said...

Hi Robert,
Good to hear from you again. Sorry to hear that you have not been things are becoming better again.

May this Advent be a time not only of waiting in anticipation, but a time of restoration and refreshment.
Every blessing,

Gretchen said...

I'm writing this on December 17, the day that starts the 8 days of using the O Antiphons in Evening Prayer. Although I often have the sense of praying with the whole Church, past and present, I especially do with these, whose origin is so early in our history. Thank you for your words as we, the Church, await our Savior.

PS: I hope you're feeling better.